Filippo Baldi Rossi in the pits for a couple of weeks

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Filippo Baldi Rossi in the pits

L’Acqua S.Bernardo Pallacanestro Cantù reported that Filippo Baldi Rossi è underwent a re-evaluation by the medical staff and Dr. Marco Camagni after he sustained a hyperextension sprain injury to his left knee last Friday, also involving the medial compartment.

The examination confirmed the results of the MRI performed the same day as the injury, ruling out damage to ligamentous structures. The timeline for sprains of this type calls for a period of stop for a minimum of two weeks and therefore sets as a goal the return to the team of the player in the week before the Livorno away match.

Baldi Rossi will continue to carry out the appropriate therapies, which are allowing a progressive improvement of the symptomatology, and will carry out differentiated work with physical trainer Roberto Bianchi, under constant monitoring, before returning to coach Nicola Brienza's disposal.


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