Mario Balotelli, Torino is not alone

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Mario Balotelli, c'è Genoa

For Mario Balotelli, there is not only talk of Turin. Indeed, rumors are rebounding between Turkey and Italy of a possible signing by Genoa, which is in full emergency in attack in light of Vitinha's latest injury.

While the Portuguese will probably skip Bologna, Pinamonti is struggling and there's always to be verified the recovery of Ekuban.

It must be said that according to Gazzetta dello Sport on the Balotelli front there is no confirmation from the club and many questions remain, considering that he has not played since May 27.

Last season with Adana è he was summoned only 17 times, playing just ten matches as a starter, with seven goals however to his credit, a sign that the nose for goal has not è been lost.

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