Mattia Binotto is candid about Audi’s goals

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Mattia Binotto è candid about Audi's goals

During an intervention at the microphones of "BBC Sport", Mattia Binotto, among other topics, dwelt on the ambitions of the Audi team, which will take the place of Stake Sauber in F1 from the 2026 season.

"The moreù I look at the details, the more I realize where we are and what the main differences are from what I knew in Ferrari. The gap è is very big, because è we are a small team compared to the Maranello stable, Red Bull, Mercedes and McLaren. Our main goal, therefore, must be to try to improve from year to year" began the Italian engineer.

"We will not have to climb a mountain, but Everest. It will take several years, but our ambition è to fight for the world championship by the end of 2030" added the former Ferrari team principal.

"We hope to appoint the second driver by the end of this month or midà November at the latest. We are not in a hurry, we have plenty of time to discuss it internally and make the best decision between an experienced driver who canò help the team to grow, having forò the knowledge that it will take many years to be competitive, or bet on a young person to develop" commented Mattia Binotto on the chapter second driver. 

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