Franco Baresi crowns Milan’s new captain

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The words of Franco Baresi

Franco Baresi, on the sidelines of the presentation of the project 'In Gioco per il Futuro', spoke about the current Milan and the captain’s armband that for fifteen years è has been on his arm: "The coach changing every game maybe wants to stimulate a player or the group, è his choice and should be respected. Theo Hernandez è a great and has great quality; it has been 6 years that è by us and deserves to wear the armband".

"When you are in the Milan squad you must always be available to play and give your best for the team", added the legendary former defender.

"Tomorrow è a beautiful and important match because we have to score points after the first two went badly, we hope to find continuityà – he said ahead of Bruges – This year I was reminded that it has been 50 years since I arrived at Milan in '74, they flew by, they were beautiful and intense years".

"What does Milan lack in Europe? Continuityè è fundamental in soccer, making performances helps you have confidence and esteem, making results helps the players, the environment, the team, and transmits enthusiasm. Milan from Champions? If it is well, it has important qualities and all together we can do well", Baresi concluded.

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