Mario Balotelli, some say no: Mauro Bressan goes down flat

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Mauro Bressan is not è convinced by Mario Balotelli’s possible landing at Genoa

Although rumors have subsided somewhat since last week, the possibility of seeing Mario Balotelli at Genoa still remains alive. A pairing that però does not impress Mauro Bressan, former midfielder among others of Fiorentina, Venezia and Genoa itself, who at the microphones of "Calcio Time" on EuropaCalcio è expressed himself negatively on the possible market operation.

"I start from an assumption: the company" will have to give further confidence to Gilardino, as è the man most indicated to get out of a tangled situation, as well as to intervene during the January market by investing in the departments where something is missing in order to repeat the great season of’last year" said Bressan.

"Balotelli è a great unknown – the native of Valdobbiadene commented -. But not so much because of the value of the player himself, but betting on a free player who, surely, does not yet have his full game. I think he himself has not found much stimulation in the last few teams he has played in; I honestly do not think he is a right element to arm himself with a knife between his teeth to be able to save this team".

Bressan concluded his thoughts by giving the benefit of the doubt, however: "Then, clearly,” the former footballer explained in fact, “he would have a way to prove his worth also by showing things that he has not fully shown in these years".

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