Fisip and Allianz Umana Mente Foundation launch “Team G” project

FISIP and Allianz UMANA MENTE Foundation launch the "Team G"
Agnese, Chitra, Luca with Asia, Melissa with Linda, Noemi, Riccardo, Tommaso: these are the names of the athletes, led by coaches Tomaso Tomasetti and Marco Zanotti, who make up the new lineup of the “Team G” FISIP with Allianz UMANA MENTE Foundation, but above all they are the names that represent the future of Paralympic alpine skiing. Born between 2008 and 2012, these youngsters have been selected by the Federation, thanks to a constant and valuable dialogue with their Sport Società of belonging, to be part of a project that stems from the vision of FISIP and President Paolo Tavian with the fundamental support of the Allianz UMANA MENTE Foundation, to support a path of sporting and human growth that will see them as protagonists, already from a very young age, of a’national activity.
In fact, the “Team G” (youth) project has the twofold objective of working with these Paralympic alpine skiing talents to enable them, thanks to the’support of FISIP coaches, to reach a high level of technical preparation and, after the age of 16, to start them on the path of international FIS competitions. Within the project, which sees a series of shared training and activities that each of the athletes develop with their own Sporting Society throughout the year with the guidance of FISIP technicians, are joined by fundamental opportunities to gather the entire team: after the “kick-off” in Val Senales, in the coming weeks the representative team will meet again in South Tyrol and, in December, in Bormio, for a series of theoretical-practical group training sessions.
Days that become opportunitiesà for the very young to live as a team, open moreover to the participation of a’FISDIR athlete, Rebecca Maestroni, intellectually disabled, in an example of integration between physical and intellectual disabilities.
"I can only be proud of the’start of this project – said Paolo Tavian, FISIP President -. I thank Fondazione Allianz UMANA MENTE, which has believed in this idea since its genesis and without which we could not carry out the initiative: to see these kids being able to live national team experiences, supported by competent and capable coaches to accompany them in this path, human and sporting, è the’essence of our activity. I am not exaggerating, becauseé, when we talk about the future, giving the possibility to more young people to realize a sports career, when we can accompany them towards competitiveness, it means that we are centering the goals of the Federation. Thanks also to Tomaso Tomasetti and Marco Zanotti who are doing a masterful job with this group of young people soì special".
Nicola Corti, Secretary General of the Allianz UMANA MENTE Foundation commented: "Our Foundation è proud to support the project “Team G", which represents an’important opportunityà for young people with disabilities; to grow and express their talents through sport. Paralympic alpine skiing, like any inclusive discipline, è a powerful tool for integration and change, capable of breaking down barriers and building a more inclusive future for all. Thanks to "Team G", the very young promises of Italian Paralympic skiing will be able to feel protagonists and part of a communityà united and supportive".