Deborah Compagnoni targeted by Enrico Papi

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Last round of “Jokes on the Side”

Sunday, October 16 in prime time on Channel 5 last appointment with “Scherzi a parte,” the program hosted by Enrico Papi.

Also in this edition, Papi and the program’s authors target the most well-known faces from the world of entertainment, sports and journalism. The protagonists, often thanks to the complicity of people close to them, find themselves in the most grotesque and unlikely situations. The victims, guests in the studio, review themselves with a clear head and then recount the emotions they experienced in the course of the prank.

During the fifth episode, the “pranksters” will be Giucas Casella, former ski champion Deborah Compagnoni, Flavio Briatore’s former partner Elisabetta Gregoraci and Drusilla Gucci.

It will be directed by Roberto Cenci.

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