Coppa Italia, it will be a duel in the semifinals between Paola Egonu and Ekaterina Antropova

Italy Cup, will beà duel in the semifinals between Paola Egonu and Ekaterina Antropova
È the first semifinal of the Women’s Italian Cup has been defined: it will be played by Savino del Bene Scandicci and Numia Vero Volley Milano.
Lavarini’s Milanese team beat Reale Mutua Fenera Chieri ’76 3-0 with 16 points from Paola Egonu, 25.21 25-20 25-21 the set partials.
Gaspari’s Tuscan women won by surrendering a set to Volley Bergamo 1991. 25-15 25-16 23-25 25-16 the partials of the sets, 25 the points of Ekaterina Antropova. So there will be yet another duel between the opposing blue Olympic champions.
In today’s third home match, with Igor Gorgonzola Novara getting the better of’Eurotek UYBA Busto Arsizio 3-0 (28-26 25-18 25-19).
The Piedmontese await the winner of the’last quarterfinal, presumably Conegliano, engaged against Vallefoglia. The Final Four will be played on Feb. 8 and 9 at the Unipol Arena in Casalecchio di Reno.