Raffaele Palladino between excitement and disappointment

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Raffaele Palladino, after the Monza knockout, looks forward

"It was not a good performance ours. But we mustn t get depressed, I know only one way that è work: it will serve to regain the automatisms that had made us do well". Raffaele Palladino, after the Monza knockout, projects himself forward.

"Exciting to come back here and say goodbye to people with whom I experienced very good moments and that will remain indelible – he adds. Before the match I told the boys that Monza was not a dead team. Seeing it at the bottom I am sorry. We però have missed an opportunity".

" Nothing è is broken. The team è united. It is the details that make the difference. We must have more hunger also in defending all together.  Until a month ago many teams struggled to shoot at us on goal, now it è not so. Gudmunsson? I don’t like to talk about individuals. We all have to give something more, me in primis" concludes the purple helmsman.


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