Euroleague: Virtus beaten by Zalgiris, Dusko Ivanovic explains why

Euroleague: Virtus beaten by Zalgiris, Dusko Ivanovic explains whyé
At the Zalgirio Arena Virtus Bologna è was beaten by Zalgiris Kaunas 77-68 in the game of the twenty-first day of the Euroleague.
Game without history: the Lithuanians immediately go on an 8-0 run, the first quarter closes on 25-13, in the second quarter the hosts get to +18 but then their lead stabilizes from +9 to +12: 41-32 at the’long halftime, 61-51 at the end of the third quarter.
The Black Vs then attempted a comeback in the last ten minutes but never got within 4 points of the lead and the Baltics closed with a 5-0 partial. For Zalgiris 20 points by Sylvain Francisco, for Virtus 18 by Isaia Cordinier. Below are the words of the coach of the Bolognese Dusko Ivanovic.
”Congratulations to Zalgiris. I think the first minutes we approached the game without the right energy. When we prepared the game, we said that the first thing to compete against them was to play hard. Instead, in the first ten minutes we were really too soft. Those ten minutes decided the game. In the second half we had a chanceà to win by playing not bad".