Lots of Italy in the Ostrava meeting

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Lots of Italy in the Ostrava meeting

The debut of Olympic bronze medalist in the long jump Mattia Furlani and the 'first' for European weight throw champion Leonardo Fabbri: these are the main themes of an interesting meeting in Ostrava for the Italian colors, tomorrow afternoon in the Czech Republic.

Catalin Tecuceanu, Zane Weir, Roberta Bruni, Diego Pettorossi are also expected among the Italians in the fourth Gold stage of the World Indoor Tour 2025.

"È a great emotion becauseé you return to the platform after so many months – said from Fiumicino Furlani, athlete of the Fiamme Oro – It will be a good test, the goal è try to finalize the new run-up introduced in training, 18 steps with notice, instead of 16".

"The goal of these first indoor competitions è to be stable on 22 meters and try to build confidence to go beyond 23 – said Fabbri, the Aeronautics’ color-bearer, who arrived in Ostrava from a training camp in South Africa -. There's Stanek and he will be helped by the home crowd: it&#39s a stimulus to have an opponent like him".

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