Jannik Sinner, the secrets of his first teacher

Little Jannik Sinner
Andreas Schonegger, the first tennis teacher of one Jannik Sinner, gave an interview to the microphones of Super Tennis: "È the number one in the world because for the moment certainly è the strongest of all in the circuit. He does not make mistakes, he has the grit, even if he is sick he still wins and that gives; confidence. For the moment there are few who can beat him“.
"His dadà è a good tennis player, maybe è it was luck, becauseé he probably found a racket at home and tried to throw balls. Sure enough, first he started skiing, then when he was four his mom asked me to put him in a class, to see if he could do anything. When he è came there was no doubt that he would make it. Surely he had that extra bit more than the others. Already at the age of four he didn’t want to stop and go on, and when the hour was over he would ask, unlike so many others, to continue. When I would ask him if he didn’t want to go home he would say that he would wait for his dad’ to come back from work and then play one more hour with him. At that’ageà for me he was fantastic, you could see he had something moreù at the level of his head".
"Every day with him was fun, because heé was often at the net and when he hit me he would jump in the air and laugh. Then he started playing the little tournaments with his little cap and hair. Not è that he was funny, but he was a character already; lì very interesting. Already at that age he was able to score. He couldn’t even count points and he had won, and I told him to shake hands with his opponent and he asked me why;. When I explained that he had won he was delighted".
"Our relationship è just familiar becauseé I know the parents who have worked for many years with me. We’ve even played a few rounds of golf together, we go out for pizza now and then. He however is dedicated to his friends, è he remained as he was when he è left when he was 14. A phenomenal character. I don’t remember when he left. Dad è was quiet, for mom è it was more difficult, but I didn’t talk to him in that case, it was his decision. For us è a problem when he doesn’t play, è a beautiful thing to follow him all year round. Last year in San Candido we had a course with 130 children and I had to close because there was no more space. More than the children were the parents pushing".