Conegliano, Scandicci and Novara shine in Europe

Volleyball, results
It è closed with three successes another week for the Italians engaged in the European cups.
Within the walls of the ŁÓDŹ Sport Arena, a facility that in February 2019 will host the first match outside the Italian borders of the Savino Del Bene Scandicci, comes a 0-3 success with great specific weight, at the end of a challenge that lasted one’hour and seventeen minutes against the hosts of the Budowlani Lodz. In front of a crowd of 2,300 fans, coach Marco Gaspari s team took a decisive step towards a historic goal, the landing in the Final Four of the CEV Champions League, “stage” never reached by the Scandiccese club. The victory centered in the first leg of the quarterfinal match of the top continental event, was not perè simple or obvious as one might think from the final result. Net of a few inaccuracies, especially in defense, Scandicci closed the challenge by dominating in every statistical aspect of the match and, compared to its opponents, recorded as many as nine percentage points more in reception (43%-52%) and attack (36%-45%). At the end of the match the title of MVP è went to Maja Ognjenovic, while two Scandiccese athletes finished in double figures: Antropova (17 points) and Carol (14 points with 9 winning walls). The top scorer of the’match, on the other hand, was Paulina Damaske (21), who with Enweonwu (13) led the’attack of the Polish girls.
A.Carraro Imoco Conegliano s 0-3 win against Developres Rzeszow was also not exactly a walk in the park. Indeed, coach Santarelli s team struggled point-to-point in the first set, after seeing the Poles come back from 19-22 to 22-22, before closing 22-25. After a smoother second set (17-25) long è was the battle of the third fraction, which saw the panthers recover a set that seemed lost: from 22-17 to a tie until the head-to-head lasted until 27-29 that closed the games, bringing forward in the series the Treviso lineup awaiting the return on Wednesday, March 12 at Palaverde. If for the hosts è Jasper the best, 12 points, it was always the three tenors that made the difference for the guests: 18 points from a super Zhu, 15 from Gabi and 12 for Haak.
The CEV Cup semifinals started in the best way for Lorenzo Bernardi’s Igor Gorgonzola Novara which overcame THY Istanbul 3-0 in the first leg match. A high-level choral performance for the Azzurri, polished in the decisive moments of the first and third halves (faced without Tolok, stopped by a right thigh injury in the final phase of the second set) and dominant in the second. MVP for Lina Alsmeier, her team’s top scorer with 15 points and decisive on several occasions. Return scheduled in Turkey on Thursday, March 13 (12 noon Italian time). Possible opponent in the final will be one of’Obuda Budapest and’Alba Blaj (2-3 success of the Romanians in Hungary in the first leg).