Bologna, Thiago Motta has a thought for Sinisa Mihajlovic

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Thiago Motta remembers Sinisa Mihajlovic

For Bologna, mid-December is not a time like any other: twelve months ago, on December 16, 2022, Sinisa Mihajlovic said goodbye to this world, after a long and proud battle with acute myeloid leukemia, which he was diagnosed with, a first time, in 2019 and with which he fought bravely even in the midst of his competitive seasons at the helm of the Rossobl&ugrave team.

Thiago Motta, who will replace Mihajlovic himself in September 2022, wished to dedicate a thought to his Serbian colleague during Friday’s press conference, in which he presented Sunday’s challenge between the Felsinei and Roma: "In the most difficult moment Sinisa never gave up – said the Italian-Brazilian coach -, he remains an example of sport and life".

" He passed on these values to everyone in this club, even to me who came later – added Thiago Motta -. Of course, I also dedicate a thought to his family, to whom I say that he taught us to never give up, and è a lesson that applies to many people, especially those who had the privilege of sharing good times with him".

Sunday’s match will therefore be full of meaning also because it comes a year (and a day) after Mihajlovic’s passing: "It will be an extra push and stimulus for this group – explained the current Bologna coach -: the spirit of Sinisa è with us, I hope he can continue to lend a hand to this group so that it continues to grow".

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