Guillermo Ochoa says goodbye to Salernitana: “I will always carry Salerno in my heart.”

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Guillermo Ochoa says goodbye to Salernitana

Guillermo Ochoa has made his farewell to Salernitana official through a long message posted on his Instagram profile: "Dear Salernitano, today I turn to you with sadness to say goodbye as I leave this wonderful club, cityà and fan base that welcomed me with open arms during the’last season".

"My experience with Salernitana è was unforgettable – added the Mexican goalkeeper -, although short è it was intense, full of emotions and challenges that made me grow as a sportsman and as a person. I want to thank each of you for your support at all times, for the encouragement that pushed me to give the best of myself in every game".

"The passion and love for soccer that you breathe in this city has touched me deeply and I will always carry Salerno in my heart. È it was an honor to defend the colors of Salernitana and to fight together with my teammates".

" I thank my coaches, staff and management who made my arrival at this club possible and allowed me to enjoy the soccer of Serie A, one of the most competitive leagues in the world. Thank you for everything and goodbye! With affection and gratitude" concluded Ochoa.

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