Inter-Lautaro Martinez, white smoke for renewal

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Inter-Lautaro Martinez, white smoke for renewal

We wrote this morning that between Lautaro Martinez’s request and Inter’s offer for the Argentine striker’s contract renewal they were hovering around 2 million euros, 12 versus 10.

Well, according to the latest rumors, it seems that Toro has decided to accept the offer of the Italian champions, of which moreover è captain, and has given a mandate to his agent Alejandro Camano to conclude the negotiation once and for all.

Lautaro would thus seem willing to accept even less than 10 million euros a’year: the salary figure could be set at 9-9.5 million plus bonuses. Verosimilarly toò serveà another meeting between the parties.

If the negotiation concludes positively, the credit will go to Lautaro and his will to stay on the Nerazzurri side of the Navigli and to continue wearing the captain’s armband of Inter with a contract renewal that, barring surprises, will arrive until 2029.

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