Luca Banchi enjoys his pass to the finals

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The words of Luca Banchi

It will be; Virtus Bologna-Olimpia Milano the scudetto final. After the game-4 win against Venezia spoke in a press conference Coach Banchi: "Obviously satisfied for closing this series, a balanced series. We coped with emergencies, increased by Zizic’s injury in the second quarter. Venice has quality players and a prepared staff: this shows that we have all the cards to compete. Beyondà the particularityà of these 4 games, we have the right confidence for the next step: it was not obvious, we found a tough and combative opponent".

"Tonight we produced a high-level collective effort. Previous contests had generated a state of frustration with our third quarters, as a coach I had to convey confidence: tonight è seemed to relive the usual movie, è seemed to enter a dangerous loop again, forò I continue to believe that we have all the qualitiesà to remain in our game plan and structure, building on our qualitiesà, including moral".

" I am pleased that this effort paid off with a victory. Tonight Venice è started with charge and energy, we responded with patience and continuity;: I understand the difficultiesà to hold certain regimes for 40′ but we like the’idea of imposing our basketball".

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