The 3-0 win over Serbia surprised even Julio Velasco

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Julio Velasco did not expect the double 3-0

Julio Velasco spoke after the match with Serbia. "Every match has a story to sé, I honestly didn’t expect neither tonight’s 3-0 nor the one against Turkey, but the team has to be ready for anything, to face any kind of situation that will come in front of it" he explained.

"At the beginning of the match however, the girls, being tense, made some mistakes in batting and receiving, those are two techniques that need peace of mind, especially receiving. In one of the time outs I told them that it was normal to feel a little bit of tension and that they needed to think about playing; so’ slowly they calmed down, then some changes worked and then once we found tranquility’ we worked better’ he added.

"Italy è a team that canò and must aspire to take a medal. Now we will have two opportunities for a medal, but I hope to have only one. I have already had that kind of experience and have both won and lost. Now I would like to get to the finals first and then talk about it…" the conclusion of the seasoned coach.

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