Cagliari, Renzo Ulivieri does not forget.

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Renzo Ulivieri recalls the period in Sardinia

Speaking at the microphones of 'Kiss Kiss' a few days before the challenge between two of the clubs he has coached in the past, Cagliari and Napoli, Renzo Ulivieri è jumped on the train of memories showing great affection towards the island reality, which he led in two distinct periods between 1984 and 1986 and for a few months in the 1999/2000 season.

"Although at Cagliari things did not go very well, when I left I cried. It's a city I loved so much" said the dean of Italian coaches, who left the Sardinian capital the first time in February 1986 and the second just after the end of the 1999/2000 season.

Ulivieri, who expressed the same affection for Napoli in the same interview, also tried to make the cards to Sunday’s match, explaining the characteristics of the respective coaches: "We are talking about two very good coaches,” he said.

Nicola è specializes in salvations, a coach who gets into the souls of the players who is able to motivate his men just like Conte".

" Conte’s Napoli I see with the mentalityà of a coach who wants to win everything, he will want to play the game and impose his game. Cagliari will try to restart and hurt the Azzurri" concluded Ulivieri, who currently serves as president of the Italian Football Coaches Association.

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