Parma, sigh of relief for Sohm

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Parma, sigh of relief for Sohm

Parma and its coach Fabio Pecchia can breathe a sigh of relief for Simon Sohm, who was forced to leave the field at the end of the first half in the match against Lecce because of a back problem after an aerial duel with Kialonda Gaspar.

As reported by the medical staff of the Ducal club, in fact, the Giallobl&ugrave midfielder only suffered a contusion at the height of the left hip and will therefore be regularly available for the next match, scheduled for next Monday at the 'Tardini' against Cagliari.

The good news for the Crusaders’ coach does not end here: "Gabriele Charpentier played the entire day session with his teammates, while Emanuele Valeri played a separate session on the field together with his teammates" reads the Parma note.

On the other hand, there are no official communications regarding Hernani, who came out sore in midà resumption against the Salentini. Evidently it was only a foot discomfort and the Brazilian midfielder will also be there against the Sardinians.

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