Luciano Spalletti takes the blame for the debacle at the European Championships

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Luciano Spalletti takes the blame for the débacle at the European

Italy s coach Luciano Spalletti è was this morning visiting the Sant'Orsola Hospital in Bologna at the invitation of the president of Fanep.

The visit è began around 10 a.m. and Spalletti met with the director of the complex operating unit of child and adolescent neuropsychiatry Simone Chiodo and a group of families.

"My footballers must feel that I love them, for me è fundamental – the words of the ct -. I am the one who made a bad impression at the European Championships but started a redemption operation through the Nations League victory with France in Paris. And from these contacts and comparisons, like today, I derive a great heritage".

Afterwards, Spalletti è was on the second floor of the Sant'Orsola-Malpighi Polyclinic child neuropsychiatry operating unit visiting patients, Fanep volunteers, doctors and health workers.

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