Tomas Skuhravy crushes Andrea Pinamonti

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Tomas Skuhravy crushes Andrea Pinamonti

Tomas Skuhravy, a former Genoa striker, gave an interview to 'La Gazzetta dello Sport' in which he panned Andrea Pinamonti: "He è not from Genoa, wherever he è went è he was sent away. Last year è relegated with Sassuolo, with all due respect… They are not Genoa players, they are not Serie A players, except for someone who was already there last year".

Harsh words also towards the Ligurian club’s ownership: "It would take an Italian family as an owner’not these American funds. Aldo Spinelli è was the best president in the history of Genoa: he was from Genoa, he knew Genoa and its mentality. I only heard from the Americans words, words and that’s all. 'New stadium, sports center…' words and then what? They rode the’wave as long as they could and bye-bye. They sold the best and spent what? A people like the Genoan people exist nowhere else and deserve respect".

On the other hand, the Czech praised Alberto Gilardino: "I really pay him huge compliments, because without players neither on the field nor on the bench it becomes really tough. Gila cannotò say it but he knows it… Even in the conferences, which I follow all of them, you can see that he would like to say something that he cannotò. I would never give up on Gilardino: è a great man, a great coach and è he was a great player".


Few words about Mario Balotelli, whom the Grifone would like to bring back to Serie A: "He should be evaluated physically, if he was well I would take him right away. But even for him è it’s difficult: better to avoid m**da figures. In any case of purchases we need at least 4-5: in defense, a director, a striker".

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