Ferdinando De Giorgi, Apulian pride.
Apulian pride
Ferdinando De Giorgi, a world volleyball champion also a coach, shows all his pride.
“In Apulia there is everything that ml formed: my birth, my family, the places where I lived,” he tells Corriere del Mezzogiorno. “In Apulia there is my whole path of values. Just think that I have never changed residence, not even when I have been abroad or when I have had to tour so many places. My city has always been Squinzano, now it is Trepuzzi because I have moved slightly. Absolutely all the things that matter, the foundations, come from my land: the sense of responsibility, the belief in the team, everything starts from the first years of Squinzano, Ugento. And then we have beautiful sun and sea. They give you a different idea of life.”