Leonardo Semplici accepts criticism from fans
“Unfortunately, we didn’t materialize and we got goals at the first opportunity, like against Samp.”
“Unfortunately, we didn’t materialize and we got goals at the first opportunity, like against Samp.”
The Tuscan technician, without a bench since September 2021, is pawing.
After experiences in the top division with Spal and Cagliari, the Tuscan coach will sit, barring any resounding surprises, on the Spezia bench.
The former Cagliari coach has no doubts about the Belgian, Spal’s new acquisition.
Two coaches exonerated after the last round of the cadet series: for the former Spal and Cagliari there is speculation of a new adventure in Ascoli.
“It’s not easy to be outside, especially if you’re used to the field,” the technician said.