Andrea Pinamonti, derby fires up

Derby fires up
The market derby for Andrea Pinamonti is ablaze. The striker, the protagonist of an excellent season at Empoli, is being contested by Atalanta and Monza, probably the most ambitious neo-promoted side in the history of Italian soccer if you exclude Juventus when it returned to A.
According to the Eco di Bergamo at the moment on the Trentino class of 1999 the Dea would have taken the advantage.
The first few days of Serie A will see the incoming and outgoing soccer market still in the limelight although the matches have already begun: in August, in fact, as many as four rounds will be played, since the calendar has been largely conditioned by the World Cup that will be staged in Qatar. And which, as we all know, will unfortunately not see the Italian national team at the start, having failed to qualify for the review for the second time in a row.