Riccardo Saponara may end up behind the desk

Riccardo Saponara may end up behind the desk
Speaking from the Moena retreat, Riccardo Saponara said, “I am very happy to have stayed here, I never probed for other teams. I never doubted the word the club had given me. I am very attached to this city and finally last year I was able to show my value. I didn’t think about it for a second when the time came to renew.”
The midfielder’s future could be behind a desk at the lily club: “Some banter there has been with the club, but it is still premature to make certain speeches. I still have a lot of desire to be on the field and have fun.”
“This team must not set limits for itself, last season is a perfect example. This year we have to continue to grow and improve, helping the new ones to integrate as best they can. Great players have arrived, the sooner they find integration with the group, the better for us. Useless to set long-term goals, we want to win every game. Expectations, after last season, are high and opponents will face us differently than last season,” Saponara concluded.