Eugene, two Azzurri in the triple jump final

World Championships in Eugene
Two Italian nationals in the triple jump final. As happened exactly a year ago at the Tokyo Games, flying in the final round are Emmanuel Ihemeje (17.13, +1.1), and Andrea Dallavalle (16.86, +0.7), good at hitting the measure good for promotion. Out of action, on the contrary, Tobia Bocchi, unlucky just like last year in Japan (16.58 his measure, +0.2), 15th overall, just 10 centimeters from qualification. Ihemeje is the first to jump: he immediately places a good 17.03 (+0.4), two centimeters from the limit needed for direct qualification.
It is a great start, so much so that the Italian does not show up on the platform for the second round, and on the third, he adds about ten centimeters to his measurement, landing at 17.13. Dallavalle starts precisely from the 16.86 that will be his final result, a performance that allows him to watch the evolution of the competition with calm. After a 16.75, he correctly chooses not to expend further energy, to be reserved for the final. Portugal’s Pedro Pichardo is the best qualifier, with a single jump measured at 17.16; behind him, France’s Fabrice Zango (17.15) and then Ihemeje. Dallavalle is seventh; Tobia Bocchi, as mentioned above, is 15th. Final on Saturday night and Sunday, kick-off at 3 a.m. Italian time.