Ducati, Pecco Bagnaia makes a confession about Valentino Rossi

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“Thanks to Valentino Rossi I learned how to deal with anger, the Academy transformed me,” the words of Bagnaia

Ducati centaur Pecco Bagnaia explained how the Academy has changed him, primarily as a man: “Being able to manage anger is something I learned with Valentino Rossi. When I get angry, I take a deep breath and try to get rid of the frustration. Years ago, it would take hours to do that. Now it’s faster,” are the words in an interview reported by Motosan.

“Coming to the Academy transformed me,” the Ducatista continued, “I was 16 years old, I didn’t have a license, I didn’t have my parents to drive me here and there. I had to take a cab to go to the gym or to train at the Ranch. I immediately took an apartment with Baldassari: he was older than me and could drive. Before that I was just another kid. Even though I wanted to be the fastest driver, I was always tempted to go out with my friends. The Academy helped me grow a lot. Thanks to Valentino, I became more mature and better on all levels. I understood what was most important to me: winning.”

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