Cagliari, fans elected their new darling

Cagliari, fans have already elected their new darling
Although in a friendly match, Cagliari’s sound defeat against Leeds (6-2 the final result) had repercussions. Thousands of Sardinian fans pounced on the club’s Facebook page and vented.
“Let’s start well with this great Cagliari with the president’s great purchases,” Luigi wrote ironically, “Yay…we start again with the usual beatings! Unwatchable defense and nonexistent midfield! Other than Serie A …here if they don’t even buy we save ourselves,” Mariano warns. Fabrizio is also very harsh: “If we see a good day in the morning, we are screwed; apart from the result, we need a goalkeeper and a defender if we don’t forget to go up again and, more seriously, we risk to get entangled in the fight to stay in Serie B; we don’t need the fans to suggest where to intervene; the company, the Ds and other figures cannot be evaluated.
Among the very few players who received comforting messages was Zito Luvumbo: “Zito and Lapadula permanent starters, only in this way can we go to A,” Rosa wrote. Of the same opinion Mario: “Come on Zito Luvumbo you are unique. He started very well.”