Brindisi: all preseason dates

Tuesday 16 officially kicks off the 2022/2023 sports season of the Happy Casa
Happy Casa Brindisi with a statement released the dates of the 2022/2023 preseason, starting on Tuesday, August 16. “Tuesday, August 16 officially kicks off the 2022/2023 sports season of Happy Casa Brindisi in its 11th consecutive participation in the Lega A championship in its fourth season in a row in a European competition, entered in the FIBA Europe Cup directly from the group stage.”
“The gathering will take place in the city, in Brindisi, upon completion and completion of the usual physical-medical examinations to which the biancoazzurri athletes will undergo. Once eligibility is obtained, a first part of testing and athletic work will begin under the guidance of Davide Ferioli, the new physical trainer.”
“As previously announced, from Aug. 25 to Sept. 4, team and coaching staff will move to Molise at the Centrum Palace Hotel in Campobasso in order to refine the work at the resort facilities and the hospitality of Molisana Magnolia Basket in a collaboration between two clubs of the top men’s and women’s leagues. The biancoazzurra team will make stops in Lecce and Martina Franca in September, returning to have direct contact with the many fans throughout the Apulian territory.”
“The Happy Casa Brindisi preseason schedule is outlined as follows:
-August 16/17: Gathering and medical examinations in Brindisi.
-August 25-September 4: Retreat at the Centrum Palace in Campobasso
-Sept. 3: Happy Casa Brindisi-GeVi Napoli in Campobasso, La Molisana Arena
-September 4-Happy Casa Brindisi-Givova Scafati in Scafati, PalaMangano
-Sept. 9/10/11 ‘XI Memorial Elio Pentassuglia – Happy Casa Cup’ in Brindisi, PalaPentassuglia
Sept. 9 Happy Casa Brindisi-KK Mornar Bar (MNE)
Sept. 10 Gevi Napoli- KK Mornar Bar (MNE)
Sept. 11 Happy Casa Brindisi-Gevi Napoli
-Sept. 17 Happy Casa Brindisi-Unahotels Reggio Emilia in Lecce, Pala San Giuseppe da Copertino
-Sept. 24 Happy Casa Brindisi-Givova Scafati in Martina Franca, PalaWojtyla”