Little finger betrays Simone Corsi: there is already a replacement

Corsi does not run
Last Sunday, during the race, Simone Corsi could not avoid contact with a rider who had fallen in front of him. Taken to the medical center for initial investigations, he was then transported to Epworth Freemasons Hospital in Melbourne on Sunday evening and to Shayan Medical Services Pty Ltd on Monday morning. Doctors performed initial dressings on the little finger of his right hand, which had already been injured numerous times, and opted to repatriate the rider for surgery to reduce the injury.
“Simone suffered an injury with important loss of substance at the level of the fifth finger of the right hand, so he has already had an initial cleaning and covering surgery in Melbourne and has flown home. The goal agreed with him is to see how the wound evolves to then return to the track in Valencia and be able, if all goes well, to do the race and following what will be the evolution of the wound over the weekend in the Mobile Clinic,” the words of Dr. Zasa.
Replacing him will be David Sanchis, a young Spanish rider who, in addition to racing in WorldSSP, has previously been on the podium in the ESBK SSP600 championship in both 2018 and 2020. Sanchis is already part of the MV Agusta Forward family as he has already competed in two Junior GP championship competitions.