Daniele Bennati wants to dispel world cup taboo

The words of Daniele Bennati
Daniele Bennati took stock of 2022 at the Giro d’Onore in Cassano d’Adda: “I judge this first experience very positively. The year has been challenging, I think that in every field of this kind the first year is particular because you have to realize that you have to handle different situations. Definitely this year will serve me very much in view of the Olympics, trying to learn from the mistakes I inevitably made, because it is normal to make mistakes and as I tell the boys from mistakes you have to learn and from those you have to draw positive things, trying not to make them again.”
The goal for the future is clear: “I think all coaches dream of winning the World Cup. In Italy it has been missing since 2008, I have expressed this desire that I hope can be fulfilled by 2024. I hope that my mandate can be renewed, it is difficult to evaluate the work that is done in one-two years. We know very well that Italian cycling is going through a period that is not easy, because there is a very strong generational change. We need to start again from the young people, interesting young people are there, and I confirm that my goal is to bring back the world champion’s jersey.”