Genoa, Gilardino: “Spal built for promotion”

Genoa: Gilardino confident: “We must look for the favorable episode with confidence and awareness”
Genoa will face Spal in the 26th day of Serie B. On the eve of the match, Rossoblù coach Alberto Gilardino spoke in the usual pre-match press conference.
“It was a week of work like the others. Of intense work and with the goal of improving especially in those situations where we suffered in the previous outings. There is desire and enthusiasm. A match in front of our public awaits us where we will have to be good within the match to look for the favorable episode with confidence and awareness,” the Grifone coach began.
“This team must always be good at starting one way and be able to shape up as we go. In the last two matches we have expressed interesting situations from a tactical point of view. As the games go by, there is less and less time left until the end of the season, and these last few points available will have a specific weight for us as for all the others. It will be necessary to maintain a certain balance for the entire 90 minutes of the match, only in this way will we be able to achieve satisfaction and prevail,” added the former Fiorentina striker.
“They have changed leadership on the course. First there was De Rossi and now Oddo: I’m glad to say goodbye to him. It was a team built back in June to definitely aspire to a different kind of position and goal. They can count on the physical prowess of La Mantia and the ability to attack the depth of Moncini. Nainggolan’s great experience should also not be forgotten, which can help especially when matches are in the balance. We must have confidence in our means to go in search of the favorable episode in the match,” Gilardino concluded about Spal.