Torino: insults to Juric, closed separate sector of La Spezia stadium

Torino: insults to Juric, Spezia’s distinct sector closed
The Serie A sports judge has decided to close the separate sector of the La Spezia stadium for one round after insults directed at Ivan Juric during the match against Torino on the last day of the championship.
“The Sporting Judge, considering that, as reported in the referee’s report, some supporters of the Spezia Football Club occupying the distinct sector raised, from the 35th to the 38th of the first half, boorish and insulting chants and shouts of racial discrimination against the coach of the Torino Football Club Ivan Juric, so much so as to force the match director to interrupt the game for about two minutes; considering that, by reason of the seriousness and the real perception of the phenomenon as well as its duration, the aforementioned
behaviors assume disciplinary relevance pursuant to art. 28, nos. 1 and 4, CGS; deliberates to sanction the Spezia Soc. with the obligation to play a match with the distinct sector devoid of spectators.”
Spezia was also fined 10,000 euros for “having its supporters, at the 33rd minute of the second half, throw some plastic objects on the field of play, at the goalkeeper of the opposing team, which forced the referee to suspend the match for about thirty seconds; attenuated sanction pursuant to art. 29, paragraph 1 lett. b) CGS.”