Lazar Samardzic, Inter deal is off

Lazar Samardzic, no Inter
Very black smoke for Lazar Samardzic who therefore, barring any new twists and turns, will not be an Inter player.
The deal seems to be definitely blown, listening to what is filtering from both sides and has been reported by Gazzetta dello Sport.
The Nerazzurri club was already pessimistic both Sunday and Monday, when the midfielder’s father had hired another agent (the third) to re-discuss the terms of his son’s deal and the commissions that had been agreed with Rafaela Pimenta. Evidently, the latest attempt failed, and last night the parties decided to break off negotiations.
Possible return to the Premier League meanwhile for Romelu Lukaku. Tottenham and Chelsea have started negotiations for the Belgian striker’s transfer to Spurs. According to rumors reported by English tabloids, Lukaku, who is currently out of the Blues’ squad, is first on the list of possible replacements for Harry Kane, who moved to Bayern Munich for more than 110 million euros only a few days ago at the end of a long telenovela.
The Belgian striker could thus try to relaunch himself in the Premier League: the cost of the player’s card is affordable for Spurs (45 million euros), and the salary received would be higher than what he would take at Juventus. The two clubs are in contact and the first offer would have already arrived.
It is precisely the Bianconeri who are interestedly observing the situation of Big Rom: Giuntoli and Manna have not abandoned contact with Chelsea at all, but the negotiation for the exchange with Vlahovic is currently stalled on the economic quid pro quo that the English would have to pay to the Torinese in addition to Lukaku’s card.
The alternative for Lukaku remains Saudi Arabia, but the former Inter Milan player has repeatedly maintained his intention to continue playing in Europe.