Domenico Berardi drags Sassuolo along

Sassuolo-Verona 3-1
After the storm comes calm, and in the context of Sassuolo, calm is called Domenico Berardi. His season presence è was accompanied by the first league win for the neroverde team. Despite Pinamonti’s early lead, Verona responded with determination and in the course of the first half came close to equalizing several times.
The 1-1 è came in the second half of the match thanks to the usual Ngonge, who with a cross-shot deceived goalkeeper Consigli. But the Veronese’s joy è was short-lived, because Berardi gave his best: first he scored a goal with a left-footed shot, deflected by a defender, and then he earned and converted a penalty, bringing the final score to 3-1.
Sassuolo CEO Giovanni Carnevali had reiterated that Domenico Berardi would not move from the neroverdi this summer either.
On Rai 2 Carnevali had closed to any possible negotiations with Juventus for the striker, who was not summoned in the first two games of the season: "There are no chancesà that he will go to Juventus. È a professional and is performing perfectly. He` will be on the field with us next game. He is working to recover his condition".
"How much does this case bother us from 1 to 10? Also 11. It is part of our system. I think there is a lot of work to be done to improve this kind of system as well becauseé at the end of these situations those who are penalized by it, beyondé the player becauseé certain things do not materialize, è the company; becauseé playing without Domenico Berardi, who è our best player, means a lot".