A ‘Taurus Heart’ on Monday’s Trial

A Taurus Heart at Monday’s Trial;
An autumn full of novelties for the national circuit 7 Gold, which enriches its sports schedule with a new Friday broadcast and launches a new face for the conduction of Monday’s Trial alongside Maurizio Biscardi. From Turin, a Toro fan, very young, but with a long television experience in sports journalism (already a pundit on Domenica Sportiva on RaiDue and Tiki Taka, “La Repubblica del Pallone” with Piero Chiambretti) Marianna Montagnino from Monday, Sept. 18 at 8 pm.45 will enterà in the team of Maurizio Biscardi and will help himà to keep up with the passionate guests (from Tiziano Crudeli to Francesco Oppini, from Luciano Moggi to Marcello Chirico, from Filippo Tramontana to Michele Borrelli, to Giacomo Ferri, Massimo Brambati, Evaristo Beccalossi and many others) that in turn will face each week in the most famous talk show dedicated to soccer on TV.
“The Process? For me è a dream come true to be able to lead a historical program like the Process next to Maurizio Biscardi – says Montagnino -. As a good “granata” heart; I will bringò in the studio my football passion, to involve and conquer our very loyal viewers”. Alongside Montagnino and Biscardi every Monday, Paolo Bargiggia will also take the field for the usual timely soccer market updates.
From Friday, Sept. 22 at 8:45 p.m., the new program “Casa Biscardi”, live from Naples, hosted by Maurizio Biscardi with Barbara Petrillo, also enters the sports schedule of 7 Gold as a protagonist. Also in the studio will be Gianluca Vigliotti, Fabiano Santacroce and many other guests. Also enriching the broadcast will be contributions from Italo Cucci, Maurizio Gasparri, Fabrizio Bocca and others. “I open my home, “Casa Biscardi”, to conversation among friends and viewers about the events of the football week, with a special look at the matches that will characterize the weekend. And, given the guests in the studio, it’s sure to be a… lively” conversation, says Biscardi.