Juventus-Torino referee changes

Change the referee of Juventus-Torino
The referee of Juventus-Torino changes. The derby della Mole, scheduled for Saturday at 6 p.m. at Allianz Stadium for the eighth day of Serie A, had been assigned to referee Antonio Rapuano. However, the whistle blower from the Rimini section was injured and will not be able to direct the match. In his place will be Davide Massa.
This was announced by the AIA (Italian Referees Association) through an official statement, which reads: "The Italian Referees Association announces that referee Antonio Rapuano, who was initially designated to direct the Juventus-Torino match (scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 7 at 6 p.m.), will be replaced by Davide Massa. The change has è become necessary as a result of a back muscle injury".
No changes, however, for the other members of the initial sextina, which will have Berti and Rossi as assistants, Marchetti as fourth official, and Mazzoleni at Var and Paterna as Avar.