Weightlifting has taken off a giant weight

Good news for weightlifting
Olympic Weightlifting remains on the program for the Los Angeles 2028 Games. The news comes from today’s International Olympic Committee Session held in Mumbai, India, and officially sanctions the discipline’s new life. A decision that reflects the great progress made by the International Federation in both governance and anti-doping reform, which occurred under the leadership of the renewed IWF Executive Committee elected in June last year, of which FIPE President Antonio Urso è the Secretary General.
“This è the result of a lot of hard work and the IWF’s commitment to a change of culture in our sport – says Urso –. The’initial shock wave caused by our exclusion from the Olympic program in 2028 forced us to choose a new direction. At a meeting on July 8, the IOC demanded immediate answers from us. Working together, in a transparent and determined manner, we made a huge improvement in two of the areas that required all our attention: internal governance in the International Federation and anti-doping policy. Through constructive and continuous dialogue with the IOC, this change è was duly evaluated and our beloved Sport è returned to the place it deserves: the Olympic arena. Of course, forò this è is only the first step; we must continue to prove our value, reliability, and responsibility. Our athletes and supporters around the world certainly deserve this”.
The news of the confirmation of weightlifting in the Olympic program brings a huge sigh of relief to the international community of this discipline and most importantly goes a long way toward protecting and supporting the dreams of millions of athletes who are training with the’ambition of the five circles. “This news – continues Urso – è the fruit of hard work behind the scenes for 20 years, in which Italy has always believed and has always put its face on it. We finally made it and I am happy to be able to give our boys, who train every day away from the spotlight, a purpose to their sacrifices and a chance to dream. And è confirmation that working clean pays off. With our coaches we have been working for some time on building and consolidating the youth sector so that we can arrive ready for this five-ring event”.