Gianni Petrucci no-holds-barred on Gianmarco Pozzecco’s dual tenure

Gianni Petrucci no-holds-barred on Gianmarco Pozzecco’s double assignment
These are the words of Gianni Petrucci, president of Fip, at the end of the Coni Council meeting, on the double assignment of coach Pozzecco, leading the national team and Villeurbanne.
"I understand that a coach wants to be on the bench, personally I have always had a different philosophy. I know it would be more logical, but even coaches who coach full time then you have to see how much they do”.
“When a coach wants to do something è it’s hard to say no. Pozzecco guarantees the same enthusiasm with the national team. I read that Tony Parker has shown great enthusiasm. I hope it goes well, already; tomorrow he has a difficult game".
"Whyé doesn't this happen in soccer? There'è a different philosophy, see all the great coaches who have double duty, from Banchi to Scariolo who with double duty è became European and world champions. Let this be a good omen", concluded Petrucci.