Tathiana Garbin looks forward to Billie Jean King Cup Finals

The words of Tathiana Garbin ahead of the Billie Jean King Cup Finals
Tathiana Garbin spoke confidently to SuperTennis microphones ahead of the Billie Jean King Cup Finals: "Last year's experience was important. It allowed us to experience the Finals today with a different awareness. My girls did extremely well this year, all of them reached their best rankings. I am fully satisfied and ready for these Finals. They wanted so much to be here, I am very positive".
"The goal è to compare themselves, as they have always done,” she added. Unfortunately, you cannot ask them to win or lose, but to give everything they have. I have had the opportunity to see them play all the time in this competition, when they wear this jersey they give something extra, they manage to harness energy that in circuit tournaments maybe they do not know they have. The spirit of the team will do a lot. Whenever those who play look out, they see a group of people who love them and support them".
The Azzurre are engaged in Group D, with France and Germany: "We know very well the value of our opponents. France with Caroline Garcia has an important asset, a player with enormous experience in these contexts. They also have a very strong doubles team; we go to win the two singles matches. Jasmine won against Garcia the last time they met. We know that we meet a strong team with great esprience. Germany è a tricky team, with solid players who vary their game a lot and could create some problems for us. However, I am very positive".