Bologna tile: injury for Riccardo Orsolini

Bologna tile: injury for Riccardo Orsolini
Bad news in the Bologna household. After the muscle resentment suffered on Wednesday, Riccardo Orsolini, in fact, underwent instrumental examinations that showed an injury to the hamstring of the left thigh.
"The team’s preparation for Bologna-Torino continues: all the national team members have returned except Jhon Lucumi, who will reach Bologna later today. Oussama El Azzouzi è returned to work with the group, therapies for Jesper Karlsson, Kevin Bonifazi and Riccardo Orsolini, whose examinations showed a left hamstring injury, with recovery time of 4-5 weeks" reads the statement issued by the Felsina club.
The Rossoblùs offensive outfielder is likely to return to the field directly in 2024. A bad tegola for coach Thiago Motta, who had already lost Karlsson in that role. Ndoye should play in his place, with Saelemaekers diverted to the opposite lane.