Ducati, Dall’Igna adamant about Marc Marquez: “It’s unthinkable.”

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Ducati, Dall'Igna categorical about Marc Marquez: "It' unthinkable"

The landing of Marc Marquez in Ducati will not shake up not only MotoGp but also Ducati itself, as the general manager of the racing section of the Borgo Panigale manufacturer Gigi Dall'Igna admitted in an interview to the Spaniards of As: "When an eight-time world champion wants to get on your bike you can not help but be happy, maybe è even better than winning the World Cup".

Dall'Igna però wanted to rule out the possibility of seeing Marc Marquez in the official team: "We have soì so many riders and è everything soì well organized that to make such a reasoning now è impossible. One cannotì think of putting Márquez in the official team. Soì as he wonì t be able to have the 2024 motorcycle, thereì s not been a chance to think about that becauseé è everything happened too late in the season".

"We know the difficultyà in managing the figure of Marc, now we are in a really great situation at the level of riders. Keep in mind that Marc does not have a contract with Ducati, but with Team Gresini. The way I see it è one of the most important riders in the history of world motorcycling. Period".

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