Stefano Vecchi new coach of Vicenza

Stefano Vecchi new coach of Vicenza
The coaching career of Stefano Vecchi, 52, for four years coach of Primavera dell’Inter, at the helm of which he won two scudetti, two Viareggio tournaments, one Coppa Italia and one Supercoppa, starts from Vicenza.
Vecchi has signed an agreement with the club owned by Renzo Rosso’s family until June 30, 2025, and will lead Lanerossi after Aimo Diana’s exoneration. The Veneti are currently eighth in Group A of Serie C with one game left in the first leg.
Today he will direct the first training session of the biancorossa team, while tomorrow he will be presented to the press at the Menti Stadium. Last year Vecchi led Feralpisalò to its historic first promotion to Serie B among the cadets.
Vecchi in the 2016-2017 season, one of the most disgraceful in recent Nerazzurri history, also led the Inter first team on an interim basis in two periods, first on day 12 after Frank de Boer’s exoneration and then from day 36 to day 38 after Stefano Pioli’s.