Genoa, Alberto Zangrillo: “We have no need to sell.”

Genoa, Alberto Zangrillo: "We have no needà to sell"
Thusì Genoa president Alberto Zangrillo, interviewed by Sky Sport before the start of the league match between the Ligurian team and Bologna, spoke about the market rumors concerning Dragusin in particular.
"We are a big company; and as such we are behaving. Dragusin è a great player and a great guy, who thanks to this societyà has been able to express himself at a high level. Our societyà will not be taken by the neck by anyone, it does not have the needà to sell and must behave in a healthy way in respect of its people".
A joke also on the Irpef issue and rumors about a risk of penalization. "The game of soccer in Italy has a number of institutional bodies that oversee – Zangrillo's words – Among these there is one with which we constantly dialogue as the Covisoc, in this case è the Federal Prosecutor” has also been involved.
“I personally met with the president of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and calmly and transparently explained the situation that had arisen. Today I made a plea for silence because I think it is incumbent on these contexts to let the institutions work. The recent rumors I have read are silly”, Zangrillo concluded.