Virtus awaits Reggio Emilia, Luca Banchi warns his team

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The words of Luca Banchi

Virtus Bologna è is expected to make its debut in the Final Eight of Coppa Italia against Pallacanestro Reggiana, to whom it lost the last previous championship match (72-66). The two-game ball Thursday, Feb. 15 at 6 p.m. at the Inalpi Arena in Turin.  

Coach Banchi warned his team in a press conference on the eve of the challenge with the Biancorossi: "We perceive great expectation and a right level of tension for the start of the Italian Cup with teams as well equipped, ambitious and competitive as ever. Our debut match against Reggio Emilia will oppose us to an extremely dangerous opponent already able to beat us in the recent direct clash at PalaBigi".

"We will try to play a careful and concrete game, aware of how individual details can affect the’outcome of such emotionally delicate" said the technician of the team felsinea.

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