Giovanni De Nicolao from the Italian Cup to the playoffs

The words of John De Nicolao
Interviewed in the “Corriere dello Sport”, the captain of Generazione Vincente Napoli Basket Giovanni De Nicolao spoke again about the thrills of the success of the Frecciarossa Final Eight 2024: “It was not one of the goals at the beginning of the season, but when we arrived in Piedmont for the Final Eight something inside è snapped. At the moment of the delivery of the Cup, I remember a crazy emotion, the screams, the tears the fans".
" And a celebration that never ended. È went on and on. Napoli calcio sent us to the San Paolo. And who can forget the roar. We are surrounded by great people to whom we want to give more joys. We are a great group, with excellent individualità and a coach, Milicic, capable with his philosophy of enhancing the characteristics of everyone. He dictates rules but then leaves the players'creativity free. And everyone gives their best".
And now what are the goals of Naples? “Today we will have the advance against Pistoia. A difficult game, like all the ones ahead of us. We want the playoffs, we are not hiding, but we will have to stay focused".