“Juan Jesus misunderstood,” assures Francesco Acerbi after being ousted from national team.

Francesco Acerbi talks about misunderstanding
Francesco Acerbi è has been temporarily excluded from the national team, as reported through a statement by the FIGC: the affair, by now, è is well known and has seen as protagonists the Inter defender and Juan Jesus, a Napoli defender who among other things in the past has worn the Nerazzurri jersey.
Upon returning from the Rome retreat Acerbi finally had his say on the’incident. Which, in his version, èwas the result of a misunderstanding on the part of the Napoli player, in Italy now since 2012. "I have never said any racist phrase, I am very serene. I have been a professional for 20 years and I know what I am saying, no words of that kind è came out of my mouth: è it was him who misunderstood" reads Gazzetta dello Sport.
"Sorry to have left the national team, to racism I say vaff…" commented Acerbi, one of the new idols of the fans of Inter and former idol of those of Lazio.