Fabio Quartararo uncovers the cards and scares the Yamaha

The future è is still far away, but it could present important news.
Fabio Quartararo is thinking about Yamaha, in the knowledge però that his future could also be elsewhere. The French rider continues to struggle with the uncomfortable position of comprimario in MotoGP, complicit with the difficulties of his M1. And, upon arrival in Portimao, he stresses his own priority to face them not denying, however, that his name could inflame the cascomercato in the future perspective.
"Right now, basically, I am not thinking about contracts. Of course, però we have already had contacts with other brands. You know that as well,” Quartararo told the press present in Portimao ahead of the MotoGP Portuguese Grand Prix. “These hypotheses at the moment exist, but they are not a distraction for me. When I am on a motorcycle, I do not think about my future".
At the same time, però, Quartararo admitted that the prospects of a future farewell to Yamaha do exist: "I know what's on the table. And that allows me to judge myself and repeat myself that I am not a bad rider. The real problems came in the Moto2 days, when I didn't have a team to race for in the following season. Worrying then was right; now it wouldn’t be. That said, I donò t want to wait months before I know where Iò ll be in 2025. I will takeò some time to decide".