Sofia Goggia, rebirth after ordeal: “Physiotherapy from day one”

A very specific work plan to put the bad injury behind you.
Sofia Goggia explained in great detail the path she is undergoing to forget the dramatic leg injury as soon as possible and return to delight the world on the ski slopes. The champion from Bergamo met the press Thursday, talking about her discouragement in the weeks following the fracture and the fortitude she has instead managed to find within herself since then.
"The first 20 days I felt terrible – confessed Sofia Goggia -. Emotionally let's not talk about it, forò also just on the level of physical pain. To think that anyway I was still crawling on the slope, I had not yet stopped from the fall, but I knew exactly that my tibia was broken just like that. I knew I no longer had a foot, forò I was able to get to Milan without any painkillers. In fact, I took off my boot almost by myself".
From that moment, for Sofia Goggia, è began a real ordeal: "The 20 days after the surgery were devastating I did not sleep for nights, I could not stand, I could not sit è it was a suffering".
The champion from Bergamo, howeverò did not è give up. "Having said that, I immediately started with physiotherapy from the first day after the surgery. I am followed at home by two physiotherapists: one works me more on the fascial part, with the other I do physical work to still keep me fit and not shut down my muscular, nervous and physical system. In fact, my ankle, despite the cut, è still looks very good for the days since the surgery. Even the doctors at the checkup were quite happy", clarified Sofia Goggia.